Macau Population, Main Cities and Geography

By | January 27, 2023

Macau: population


According to Countryaah website, Macau has a total of around 650,000 residents.


Ethnic composition

95% Chinese, 5% other ethnic groups, mostly Portuguese

Religious affiliation

Mostly Buddhists, some Catholics

National language

English and Chinese (Cantonese) are the official languages.

Macau: geography

Macau is located in southeast China at the western mouth of the Pearl River, about 65 km west of Hong Kong.


Area and land use

Macau is located in southern China on the western bank of the Pearl River Delta, approx. 65 km west of Hong Kong, spread over two islands and a peninsula.

Macau covers an area of only 26.8 km². Check topmbadirectory for politics, flags, famous people, animals and plants of Macau.


  • Green areasAround 22.4% of the country is designated as green areas.

National borders

Macau shares a border with China that is approximately 0.4 km long.


Macau has a seaside coastline of around 41 km.

Longitude and latitude

Macau lies at roughly the following latitude (abbreviation φ) and longitude (abbreviation λ):

φ = rounded up to about 22 ° north latitude λ = rounded up to about 113.5 ° east longitude

You can find detailed information on this subject under Longitude and Latitude.

Legal time

For Macau, the following value applies to Central European Time (CET), i.e. the time without summer time. A minus sign means that it is earlier there, a plus sign that it is later than CET:

Δt (CET) = + 7 h

Further and detailed explanations of the time can be found under Time zones, time.

Highest point of the sun in Macau

Macau is located at a northern latitude of around φ = 22 ° and is therefore still just in the tropics.

If the declination of the sun has a value of 22 °, and thus the image point of the sun is exactly above the city, the sun is perpendicular there. This happens exactly twice a year, roughly six days before June 21st and six days after June 21st.


If the image point of the sun and thus the declination is north of the latitude of Macau, the sun is not in the south at noon, as in our latitudes, but in the north. In this case, the sun moves from east to north to west, where, like us, it sets. But that is only the case for a few days in midsummer.

For more information see Position of the sun.

Mountains, elevations

Coloane Alto

The highest point in the country is the Coloane Alto with a height of 172 m.

Perlfuss, Pearl Stream

The longest river in the country is the Pearl River, at the mouth of which Macau lies.

The approximately 180 km long Pearl River (also known as Yuèjiāng) is the eastern part of the lower reaches of the West River in southern China. The river is considered a very important stream in southern China.

Lakes, dams

Tai-Tamm Dam

The country contains numerous smaller artificial dams. The Tai-Tamm dam is mentioned.


The Macau peninsula is preceded by the following two islands belonging to Macau:


with an area of 6.3 km²


with an area of 7.6 km².

South China Sea

The South China Sea is part of the China Sea and one of the marginal seas of the Pacific Ocean. The sea includes the Gulf of Thailand and the Gulf of Tonkin. It covers an area of around 2,975,000 km “- with a maximum Tife of 5,025 m.

In addition to Macau, the following countries are on the South China Sea: Brunei, Hong Kong (People’s Republic of China), Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam

, which borders the East China Sea at about the same level as Taiwan.

Macau Population